Hello Allison. I'm reading all of Emily St. John Mandel in chronological order. Currently, I'm on The Glass Hotel. I'm in love with her books. Each one grabs me in an understated (gentle, poetic), immediate way, with a story that I could not have imagined. The characters, whether hero or villain or somewhere in between, are flawed in recognizable ways that delight me. Mandel loves her characters. You've been through a lot of major life events. It takes more than a year for your body and brain to take it all in and smooth it into a new way of being. Give yourself more time, and be kind to yourself. We're always doing this kind of thing in one way or another, but we do recover from the worst bits in ways we can recognize. Re insomnia? Take sleep routine/hygiene seriously (consistent bedtime, low light, no electronics, books only, the bedroom just for a bedroom), and your ability to sleep will return. Wishing you well. xo.

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